Praveen Kumar Bhalla
Praveen is currently employed with Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd (HDFC) as Additional Senior General Manager and heads Human Resources function as well as Retail Credit Risk Management at the Delhi branch.
He joined HDFC in 1983 and has vast experience in various functions related to Housing Finance. Before assuming the above responsibilities, he headed the Retail Lending function and was involved in the development and execution of training programmes.
He has conducted a number of training programmes for local and international participants from Mortgage Finance companies and banks. He has been a regular visiting faculty to various banks in Indonesia for last last five years.
Apart from regular recovery techniques, he strongly believes in recoveries through individual expertise in ‘Negotiating Skills’ and also applying techniques of Neuro Linguistic Programming. He also completed a course on Housing Finance and Securitisation organised by IHFP at Wharton School, Pennsylvania, USA.