MG Motor to hire 1050 female staff across dealerships

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According to the company, the hiring of 3500 dealership staff will be done in two phases. In the first phase, the carmaker will hire 2000 dealership staff in the span of next six months.

NEW DELHI: SAIC owned MG Motor India will hire 1050 female staff across 110 sales and service outlets in India. In total, the carmaker will be hiring 3500 people across its network of which 30 percent would be females in customer-facing roles such as front-end, back-end showroom operations, service, call centre, sales, and management.

According to the company, the hiring of 3500 dealership staff will be done in two phases. In the first phase, the carmaker will hire 2000 dealership staff in the span of next six months.

The carmaker has partnered with talent acquisition solutions company, PeopleStrong to support its hiring process. PeopleStrong will provide tailored skillsets required to establish MG’s strong foothold within the Indian market.

Rajeev Chaba, President & Managing Director, MG Motor India, said, “As part of our commitment towards a diverse workforce, MG Motor India plans to extend its focus on women participation to customer-facing areas such as showrooms, as well. Most of the front-line job responsibilities will be given to women in our sales and service outlets, aiming at a heightened and caring ownership and service experience for our customers.”

Devashish Sharma, Founding Member & Chief of Recruitment Business – PeopleStrong, said, “We will provide tailored skillsets required to establish MG’s strong foothold within the Indian market.”

MG Motor is one of the few companies who is giving its preference to hire women sales leaders for its dealerships. The automobile domain has, until now, been the bastion of men, particularly in tier-2 and tier-3 cities.

Even in the total work force of the company, female employees already account for 31 percent and it plans to further increase the number of women hires in the future.

This article was published on The Economic Times


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