PeopleStrong Mobile

One super app to super charge your employee experience

Talent is your biggest asset. By bringing all HR operations from hire to retire under one umbrella, you gain the agility to build a workforce that will power your momentum and growth.

One App

Trusted by top enterprises across Asia Pacific

We power the new playbook that separates top HR teams from the pack

50 %
less time spent in HR day-to-day transactions
40 %
reduction in employees' queries
70 %
reduction in manpower for salary processing
50 %
reduction in joining time
35 %
cost saving as compared to legacy systems

Built for HR teams, by HR teams

peoplestrong one app

Tame your app chaos with a single-window experience

Intuitive interface designed for the employee

Smart, powerful, and contextual Jinie


Built-in collaboration, ready for the new way of working

People-data matters. Security is not an
afterthought for us

Our customer stories

Top HR teams elevate their EX with PeopleStrong

Thoughts, insights, and more…