How Inspiro Uses PeopleStrong To Build A Cohesive Employee Journey For Their 17000+ Workforce

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How Inspiro uses PeopleStrong to build a cohesive employee journey for their 17000 workforce
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Inspiro is an outsourcing giant with a 17000+ workforce headquartered in Metro Manila (The Philippines) with branches in Nicaragua and United States. Having been in the BPO industry for over 20 years, their growth has been phenomenal, with their workforce growing exponentially every few years.

But, with its growth came people challenges.

One of the major challenges Marvin Victoriano pointed out in his talk at Tech HR Singapore was that their hiring process goes through seasonal ramp-ups where they hire up to 3000 employees – about three or four times a year. Apart from these seasonal hires, Inspiro’s HR team hires over 2000+ employees monthly.

Their HR team must also keep up with other tasks such as payroll processing, training, leadership development, etc.

Watch the video below to listen to the entire story of Inspiro’s HR Tech 4.0 transformation


Holding it together with spreadsheets

Several of these people processes, such as payroll, were held together with what Marvin called “super spreadsheets” that their IT team interlinked with complicated formulas.

This ad-hoc solution came with its drawbacks. Some of these issues included but were not limited to

  • Managing 17000+ employees with a unified payroll system that complies with local regulations
  • The need to focus on a cohesive candidate and employee experience
  • Creating a central repository/candidate database
  • Team leaders and critical stakeholders were unable to access a sole source of truth, making it hard to get a strategic picture of what was going on in real-time
  • Automating manual processes that led to low turn-around-time and higher accuracy

Inspiro wanted to create a single centralized system connecting various HR modules to eliminate issues like these. They also wanted to ensure that the system accurately captured the data and offered their employees a unified experience at every touchpoint.

With a vision document that defined Inspiro’s people philosophy, Marvin embarked on a journey to find the right HR Tech for his organization that could connect the various HR modules and produce a single version of the truth while eliminating manual processes and inefficiencies.

Inspiro’s Vision

Inspiro Vision

Enter HR Tech 4.0

PeopleStrong’s HR Tech 4.0 platform checked off several points on the checklist that Inspiro had:

  • Employee self-service capability
  • Detailed AI-powered data analytics and reporting
  • Ease of use with enterprise-grade security
  • Mobile-first employee experience
  • Scalable & agile

With the PeopleStrong SuperApp, Inspiro could combine several HR modules and eliminate a lot of inefficiencies with a centralized dashboard.

PeopleStrong’s end-to-end HR Technology solution also helped Inspiro manage people and processes while providing top-notch EX and helping HR leaders get a strategic picture of what was happening at the macro level.


How Inspiro uses PeopleStrong to build a cohesive employee journey for their 17000 workforce


Here’s the impact that PeopleStrong was able to create in a single month

Reduction in HR’s effort up to 80%

  • 8000 applications were processed in real-time. PeopleStrong brought down time spent on hiring a candidate from 402 minutes to 124 minutes
  • Time spent on creating 2500 employee reports was brought down from 5 person-hours to just 15 minutes
  • Improved adoption with 99% of employees using the performance management module
  • 47 training modules deployed through the system for 7000 employees
  • Payroll processing time reduced for 17000+ employees from days to minutes
  • Time spent on processing an exit was brought down from 15 person-hours to just 42 minutes
  • 140+ group chats created and over 1.4 million messages sent with the Workgroups feature
  • Time spent on consolidating payroll inputs was brought down from 30 person-hours to just 20 minutes
  • 20 person-hours spent on answering employee queries per month eliminated via AI-enabled HR chatbot Jinie

Impact on NPS (Net Promoter Score)

47 against an average SaaS NPS score of 31, thanks to

  • 60% monthly active users and increasing owing to mobile-first transactions and ease of usage on the go
  • 2000+ queries raised on Jinie, out of which 93% were resolved instantly
  • 200+ tasks created every month on Workgroups

Improved Efficiency 

Thanks to approval-driven, agile, accurate, and automated processes

  • 52% increase in candidates from low-cost channels such as website career page (~2.5k candidates/month) and referrals (~15k candidates/month)
  • 100% accurate payroll process due to payroll input collation automation
  • Employee lifecycle processes like employee movement and exit were converted from mere status updates to approval workflows, thus saving a significant amount of time


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Picture of Prakash Rao

Prakash Rao

Founding Member & President - Customer Success

With over two decades in HR, Prakash leads digital transformations for top enterprises across Asia, driving customer-focused, impactful solutions. Outside work, he enjoys football, cricket, and being a devoted pet parent.

Picture of Prakash Rao

Prakash Rao

Founding Member & President - Customer Success

With over two decades in HR, Prakash leads digital transformations for top enterprises across Asia, driving customer-focused, impactful solutions. Outside work, he enjoys football, cricket, and being a devoted pet parent.

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