5 disruptive Indian chatbots transforming the HR industry

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5 disruptive Indian chatbots
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Recent surge in different areas of Artificial Intelligence like Natural Language Processing and Sentiment Analysis have made popular the use of chatbots in softwares, websites and apps. Chatbots have become the most favoured user interface. While initially popularised only as Personal Assistants, chatbots are now disrupting many industries and revolutionising the way they function.

Let’s take a look at 5 Indian chatbots that are working hard to disrupt the HR industry and completely change the way it functions:

  1.  Engazify
  2.  JLT Bot
  3.  Amber
  4.  Dino
  5.  Jinie

This article was published on Chatbotsmagazine

Picture of Vikram Kohli

Vikram Kohli

Picture of Vikram Kohli

Vikram Kohli

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